In an increasingly competitive world, it is becoming harder to excel at studies. With new ideas and concepts being added to the curriculum, the scope of education has become wider. Unlike the old days, education can now be afforded by all classes of society, leading to a larger number of qualified individuals. This has lead to a competition between these individuals over employment. With the current economic crisis at hand and the growth in unemployment, it is evident that only the most qualified stand a chance to survive. However, school systems are overburdened with the responsibility of providing education to a vast number of students. Here are some benefits of private tutoring, which can help your child become one of the few individuals that excel in this world.

Mano E Mano

As the name suggests, the greatest advantage of private tutoring is individual attention. Like we mentioned before, schools are overburdened with students. It is impossible for a teacher to provide individual attention to each student in class. Some school teachers may also be indifferent towards the child's education, leaving it incomplete. Moreover, introverted kids may feel shy about asking questions in class. Private tutoring can provide your child with a comprehensive education, while you judge the tutor's performance on a day to day basis.

You Know How You Get To Carnegie Hall, Don't Ya?

The answer to the above question is practice. Simply going to school and doing your homework isn't going to cut it in the real world. To truly excel at something, you need to practice it. Whether it's playing the violin or solving equations, practice makes perfect. Daily tutoring ensures your child practices what he's learnt in school. After all, if you repeat something a number of times, it becomes second nature.

A Chain Is Only As Strong As Its Weakest Link

You need not enroll your child for private tutoring in each and every subject. However, every student needs help somewhere, whether it's Chemistry or Math. Private tutoring can help your child concentrate his efforts on a subject he's struggling with; this can make all the difference in the world. After all, excellent grades require you to be perfect in all subjects, not just a few. In this way, private tutoring can be more of a 'Plan B' than a 'Plan A', when it comes to your child's education.

Special Needs Require Special Attention

Private tutoring isn't just a tool to improve scores; it can also help children with special needs. Children suffering from ADD or dyslexia may not receive the special attention they require in schools. This may be because teachers aren't experienced with such children or they're simply too busy. You can hire a tutor that specializes in children with learning disabilities, to help your child cope with his studies. Such a tutor will be on par with your child's learning capabilities.

Private tutoring can be a security blanket for your child. It can help him overcome his weaknesses, so he can compete in the real world.

Private tutoring can give your child the edge he needs to excel at his studies. Progressive Home Tutors provide private tutoring for both primary and secondary students, in a wide range of subjects.

A Day of Homeschooling

What does a typical day look like for a homeschooling family? In many ways, it is the same as anybody else's day. Parents go to work, chores are done around the house (you hope), and kids do their homework, either with or without their parents' help. However, in many ways the day is very, very different for the homeschooling parent.

The Differences

The main difference is that the child (or children, but let's work with just one), does not need to get out of bed, rush to get dressed, bolt down a breakfast and then catch the bus. The parent is not left alone for hours, and the child is not attending a class somewhere else. The parent does not have to guess or even worry about what is going on with their child because the child is right there.

This difference leads to many other differences. The family may go on a field trip, with the parent learning right beside the child. The child's craftwork can be shown to the parent immediately and even considered for a fair or craft show. The questions of the student can be answered when they arise, with any needed tutoring provided quickly and effectively. Communications are quick, loving, and productive.

A Possible Schedule

Let us work through an ordinary day in homeschooling, seeing what is done and how long it takes. A key fact to remember is that all times are subject to change as determined by either the teacher/parent or the child.

Many homeschoolers start their lessons in the morning, but notice that there is no bus ride, homeroom, or assembly. Therefore, the child can take time to dress, to eat, and to get comfortable. Lessons start when the child and the parent are ready to start, not at some administratively determined timeslot.

A typical homeschool day covers four or five subjects. Each lesson is individually created for the child, with input from both the parent and the child. Some lessons will take a short period of time, say 30 minutes, and some will take longer, up to hours. Lessons will include reading, writing, mathematics, art, and other activities as needed and desired.

If we take an average of an hour per lesson, the student is done in the early afternoon. Lunch is handled when there is a break between lessons, and after the lessons are done the child is free to run and play without a time limit. The child can control the amount of time needed, while the parent sets the target results.

On other days, there are field trips, library trips, and other outside activities. The child can participate in sports, organizations, and other outside activities without fear or guilt in missing classes. The teacher knows the child will be able to do special activities without having to make arrangements with third parties, and the administrative paperwork is kept to a bare minimum, taking almost no time at all during the normal day.

I guess the main point is that the day is both a lot less structured and a lot more productive than is possible in a school. The time can be structured according to the needs of the student, not the needs of somebody else. The material can be covered as many times as needed and extra activities are welcomed, not treated as a burden.

In short, the child can learn as an individual, with an individualized schedule. There is no typical day, just the day of the child. Learning as it should be.


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